Training-free Content Injection using h-space in Diffusion models

Jaeseok Jeong ⋆ Mingi Kwon ⋆ Youngjung Uh

Yonsei University, Korea
* denotes equal contribution

Paper Code


Note that we use fixed pretrained diffusion models without any fine-tuning or gradient guidance.



Diffusion models (DMs) synthesize high-quality images in various domains. However, controlling their generative process is still hazy because the intermediate variables in the process are not rigorously studied. Recently, the bottleneck feature of the U-Net, namely $h$-space, is found to convey the semantics of the resulting image. It enables StyleCLIP-like latent editing within DMs. In this paper, we explore further usage of $h$-space beyond attribute editing, and introduce a method to inject the content of one image into another image by combining their features in the generative processes. Briefly, given the original generative process of the other image, 1) we gradually blend the bottleneck feature of the content with proper normalization, and 2) we calibrate the skip connections to match the injected content. Unlike custom-diffusion approaches, our method does not require time-consuming optimization or fine-tuning. Instead, our method manipulates intermediate features within a feed-forward generative process. Furthermore, our method does not require supervision from external networks. The code is available at this link.


Generative process of InjectFusion

(a) Overview of InjectFusion. During the content injection, the bottle neck feature map is recursively injected during the sampling process started from the inverted $ x_T $ of style images. The target content is reflected into the result image while preserving the original style elements. (b) Illustration of spatial content injection methods Mask m determines the area of feature map. Slerp of masked ht enables content injection into designated space.

Style calibration. The result of DDIM reverseprocess with given approximated $x′_t$ may be similar to the result of a corresponding injected result $ \tilde{x}_{t−1}$. When the closer ω gets to 1, the more style elements are added through $ dx_t $. Note that the effect of style calibration is different from modifying $ γ $ because it remains predicted x0 by solving the DDIM equation

Teaser Video

We increase content injection ratio from 0 to 0.3 for the vidoes. Videos are available after loading completion.


Note that we use fixed pretrained diffusion models without any fine-tuning or gradient guidance.

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